
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Meet Samantha

Aliya, Samantha, and Coconut the dog
To: Tosha
Wode you plese brash Samtas hare tks

I came home to this note, and Samantha, sitting on my bed. I love reading her notes and trying to decipher the words. They've got a certain sweetness and innocence about them that I find heartwarming. :)
Aliya has been attached at the hip with Samantha since Christmas. She changes her into her nightgown each night, sleeps with her, feeds her, plays with her, and has introduced her to everyone she sees. Her dad says he hasn't ever seen her like this with a doll.
I came back on Sunday and she was eager to start discussing our date to the AG store. I figured why wait, so I asked if she wanted to go that afternoon. She smiled from ear to ear and said, "Hmmmm, let me think about that. YES!"
Let me back track quickly, and make a confession. :) I, too, was the lucky recipient of an American Girl doll for Christmas. I got Kit, the girl representing the 1930s. (The American Girl historical characters inhabit stories set during important times in America’s past. Kit grew up during the Great Depression and her stories are fascinating, with great lessons for children. I got a stand for my Kit doll and someday my daughter will appreciate her to the full extent! Now, since I have outed myself as the proud owner of Kit Kitteridge and maybe some of her accessories, you'll appreciate Aliya and my date to the AG store. Aliya was so excited that I got Kit and she wanted me to bring her on our date. I opted to bring her in the car, but not into the store. I had to explain that my Kit is just for looks, not for me to play with. (I know, I know. How boring for a 6 year old who doesn't consider her Samantha a doll, but a new best friend?!)
We went to the store with somewhat of an agenda. Samantha needed a wire hair brush. Her hair was tangled- frizzy-a mess and she is hardly a week old people! Again, I saved parents money by convincing Aliya that I could do Samantha's hair, she didn't really need the store to do it. She graciously accepted and we moved on to bigger and better things, like Samantha's winter coat or the back to school set. However, she had conferenced with her mom before we left and her mom said she could get one thing besides the brush. She kept going back and forth between the two. Once at the store, she found out they no longer had Samantha coats, so she opted to get Coconut the dog. Yes, the dog, not the much talked about back to school set! I tried to reason with her, but once she decided on it, there was no changing her mind.
On the way home we stopped to get a bite to eat. Aliya said, "Tarsha this is more like a date too, because we went somewhere AND got something to eat!" I'm glad I filled all the criteria for a date! :)
I had a wonderful Christmas spent with all the little ones I love. After all, when your a single adult, Christmas is ALL about the little ones! It started VERY early, at 4:50am at Tanya's house. Hannah and Drew were first to open their gifts and it was exciting to watch. By 6am, I had showered and was on my way to Tricia's house to watch Isaac and Liam open theirs. Again, it was very fun to watch the process and excitement! I needed a nap, so I slept a couple of hours before going to see the other special little man in my life, Damon! He wasn't as impressed with opening gifts, but I did get him to fall asleep in my arms!
Dear God,
Thank you for sending your son to Earth to live among us. How selfless you were to make your entrance in a manger, to a poor unwed mother. Thank you for revealing yourself in such a manner, so helpless and unobtrusive. Please help the little people in my life to know Christmas for the true meaning, your birthday. Help me to be a significant part of that Lord, as I want them to know its not about a man in a red suit giving toy gifts, but a baby born to give us everlasting gifts.
Thank you for an adventurous 2008 and all the opportunities I capitalized on. Thank you for my family and their health. Thank you for my friends and my job. Thank you for the obstacles I overcame this year and the lessons I learned. Please lead me into 2009 and keep me centered. You know my heart Lord, and I long to please you.
In Jesus Name,