
Sunday, January 18, 2009

"I'm a little concerned..."

A 6 year old should be concerned when her nanny beats her at a card game, right?! Is that bad that I played fairly and beat her at Sleeping Queens? She was beating me (really badly) until I figured out how to play. I started using my cards right which resulted in me capturing her queens. She looked at me as I captured her first queen (after she had captured at least 3 of mine) and said "I am a little concerned with you taking my queen!"

After school this week Aliya mentioned that she told Julia that her pencil belonged to God. This stems from our lesson on stewardship. Julia informed Aliya that actually the pencil belonged to her. Aliya said, "She has it all wrong!"

Matt was having issues one afternoon this week concerning dinner. He started repeating himself- saying he wasn't hungry and he wasn't going to eat it. After several questions and reminders, I asked Matthew to use his words, instead of repeating himself and getting no where. He stopped talking, looked at me and said, "I'm frusterlated Tosha!"

"I lost my sweet tooth, but my other one took over." Aliya's comment on her recent tooth loss. She rebounded nicely with the news that indeed her other one had taken over. Hmmm...I wonder which one will take over when she loses that anytime!?

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