
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Maine Cherubs meet Massachuseets Cherubs

And for a moment, they shared a couch for Nanny Tarsha/Aunt Tarsha/Tosha to snap a picture! (Even if half of them were hiding their face or trying to get down.)
The children all played together nicely (for the most part). They got up extremely early and made us all laugh several times throughout our stay. A certain someone had to be informed about guests and etiquette and a certain guest must have been listening! The children were playing upstairs and we could hear them downstairs. We heard some banter and then heard Matthew say, "I am your guest and you need to be nice to me!" We figured he was right and they should move on. A few minutes later Matthew came half way down the stairs, and peered through the rails. "That girl is being rude to me!" He forgot their names a few times, but he sure didn't want to leave. He asked me "When can we come back Tarsha? Let's come back on your next day off!"
We played outside in the snow and Isaac shared his snowboard with this little guy who has been eager to get a ride on one!
The girl got her hair curled and was able to utilize Hannah's flower girl dresses. She looked gorgeous but I didn't get a picture. :(

Introducing all my cherubs was a great experience and I look forward to bringing them back for more fun. Thank you Tanya for being such a great hostess!

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