Hannah, who is SO excited to have some girl cousins close to her age! I told the girls I'd greet them at the airport with big hugs, so of course I did! :) The Grandchildren (all a little overwhelmed!) Johanna is saying Hola to a familiar face, Abuleo! Johanna held right on tight to my hands. She was a little timid. Julissa was looking for that familiar face too! Liam (3) Johanna (8) Hannah (7) Julissa (12) Isaac (7) and Drew (4)
If this is what we have waited 2+ years for, it was WELL worth it! Our Peruvian Princesses are home with their forever family! I'm so thankful, grateful, happy, pleased (you get it People ~REALLY EXCITED!) and honored to be a part of this story of HIS love. To see His hands and feet bring orphans to a family, my family, is amazing! I have a huge respect for my sister and brother in law, Tracy and Ben, for following Him and taking His word to heart.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world ~ James 1:27
Dear God,
Thank You for adding to my family, in this way, with this journey and with these two precious little people. Please help me to model Your love, give me the grace and patience to be Your hands and feet so they may follow, as well as the peace and understanding when it comes to my part in the journey ahead as Tia Tarsha. Surround Ben and Tracy as they parent their daughters and show them what Your followers look like. Hold them all in the palm of Your hand as they learn trust, acceptance, unconditional love, and family life.
Thanks again God. Only You could orchetrate such beauty from ashes! I'm assuming Your only going to 'send' me to Beverly, MA in the next few months, and I'm good with that. As a matter of fact, I'm so blessed to be choosen as Julissa and Johanna's Tia Tarsha, I couldn't ask for more!
In Jesus name,
I love the new design of your blog, it's fantastic! Looks like you had a wonderful reunion with your family. Thanks for sharing.