Saturday, November 15, 2008

Babies, Boyfriends, and Diets

"Oh, I can't eat those cookies Tarsha, I'm on a diet!" Momentarily stunned because what does a 6 year old know about diets? So I ask. "Its when you don't eat some foods, like Daddy is trying not to eat salt. I'm not eating anything bad for me." She didn't say anything about losing weight or being fat, so I won't go there.
Before baby at dinner
Aliya had a baby this week -a baby elephant of course. She asked how long babies take to make, but decided against waiting 9 months. She delivered and baby elephant had dinner with us that very evening. Elephant was on the table, but being the mean nanny I am, I requested (s)he get their own chair (to avoid having to clean baby up after dinner). Being the clever little girl that she is, Aliya put elephant thisclose with trunk on table!
Matt and Aliya had a Ball one evening this week. I didn't get pictures because things were messy and I was busy keeping Matt and Aliya from making one another cry. You see Matt was a wee bit jealous that Aliya was only dancing with Eric, her imaginary boyfriend. Matt kept saying (and pushing Eric away) "NO, DANCE WITH ME ALIYA!" I suggested he get his own imaginary girlfriend and so he said he would. He named her Cinderella, (how original) but apparently she wasn't cutting it. He quickly went back to getting in Eric and Aliya's faces saying "I can be your boyfriend too!" Not very often a girl has someone saying they'll be her extra boyfriend! :)
Matt became obsessed with golf this week. He got some golf balls and tees from the army guys at the Museum of Science and insisted that his Dad or I take him to the golf course to play. We searched for golf clubs and found some cheap ones to practice with at Target. When we got home, Dad said he already had those very same clubs. I guess we'll find those ones and return the new ones to Target.
Matt and I made several trips to Targets this week. I was searching for a certain toy for a certain little girl in my life and Target carries it. I have 4 Targets within a 15 mile radius of me so Matt and I hit a couple of them a day. Don't worry, he made out too! Pictures coming soon of Matthew and Aliya with their new puddle boots! Matt put them to use right away, jumping in 'puddles' half the size of his feet. :)
I'll leave you with a song the kids and I sing to each other. I started singing it to them and now they start singing it and we all sing together.
Skidamarink a dink a dink,
Skidamarink a doo,
I love you.
Skidamarink a dink a dink,
Skidamarink a doo,
I love you.
I love you in the morning
And in the afternoon,
I love you in the evening
And underneath the moon;
Oh, Skidamarink a dink a dink,
Skidamarink a doo,
I love you!
I add a little 'whoop de doo' to the end and it always has the kids giggling and saying 'again'! Love those giggles!

1 comment:

What I think... said...

Tarsh, I hope Aliya and Matthew's parent read this... I truly enjoy them and they aren't my children! Thanks for sharing! Love you!